Welcome to our page. We're Symphony et al., a questioning bordergenic median system of four. Blog run by Plum (she/her), the system host. Posts here chronicle the discovery and exploration of life alongside my first alter, Elodie (she/it).


About Us

Hi, my name is Plum and this is my introductions page! Here I'll be telling you a little bit about myself. I'm a 21 year old Canadian girl and an artist. My hair is currently short and purple, but it's usually brown. I have depression, anxiety, BPD, and ADHD. My favourite band is Mother Mother. I live in a small town without much access to other people who are queer or plural like I am. I have a lot of trauma related to repeated incidents with abandonment by people I trusted.

On the less dreary side of things, I'm a big fan of animated media and fiction in general. I'm technically a cartoonist, myself. I'm trained in classical piano and used to be a figure skater before 2020. I'm a music lover and a movie watcher. My favourite colour is purple and my favourite band is Mother Mother. I'm young at heart, collecting plushies and making things myself for a bit of fun. I hope you enjoy reading my page!

Best wishes,


I'm Elodie. I'm the manifestation of Plum's BPD. I'm basically her copilot who chimes in from time to time. I won't be talking here much, though. I have my own blog for that. I don't really have a lot to say about myself that wouldn't be evident from the content on this page already. I mean, it was my idea. Plum wanted her own Neocities page, and I suggested she make it about me. I take it she really liked the idea. Be nice.


Hey there! I'm Utena, and we think I'm a manifestation of Plum's self confidence and an ADHD holder. I figured since I got to write a few posts on the page that I should introduce myself! It's only fair, after all.

I'm the system protector and a fictive from Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime that we never actually finished watching. Isn't that weird? I hear weirder things have happened, though. That's headspace for you, I suppose! As of writing this I've become another copilot who helps out Plum. I like to think I'm a lot easier to get along with than Elodie, though. If you're seeing this update on our 'about' page then chances are I might be making a number of appearances in the future. Hope you can handle it!

Signing off,

